Our Spring Brunch Club!

by | Apr 30, 2022 | Latest News | 0 comments

Our first Pageant Girl Brunch Club of the year was a huge success! Yesterday, our Spring Brunch attendees enjoyed the sun and some yummy food at our Pageant Girl Spring Brunch. It was so lovely to see everyone and catch up, and lots of our finalists got to meet each other for the first time! We had Queens & Finalists from all Pageant Girl UK systems, including Miss Teen Great Britain, Galaxy UK, Miss & Miss Teen Pageant Girl, Miss International UK and UK’s National Miss.

Our brunches are the perfect opportunity to meet Holly & the Pageant Girl UK Team, as well as finalists from different systems to get excited about the grand finals and discuss all things pageants!

Our brunches are for everyone, regardless of whether you are a Queen, Finalist or just simply wanting to know a little more about pageantry! We are currently holding two more brunches this year, our Summer Brunch and Christmas Brunch – why not join us?