Our Miss Pageant Girl UK hits Dubai!

by | May 6, 2022 | Latest News | 0 comments

Our reigning Miss Pageant Girl UK, Meggy G, is currently in Dubai! She jetted off earlier this week and is having the most amazing time sightseeing with Tom Hui, the Marketing Executive at Dukes the Palm. Meg is being treated like royalty, with behind the scenes access to Dukes the Palm Hotel and a tour around the beautiful grounds! We can’t wait to see what other amazing things she gets up to on her trip – we hope that you have the most incredible time, Meg!


Meg won Miss Teen Pageant Girl UK in 2021, and has had an amazing year as our reigning Queen. Meg will be handing over her title this July at the next Miss & Miss Teen Pageant Girl UK grand finals! Here is what she said about her trip:

“If you had told me any more than a year ago that I would be Miss Pageant Girl UK sitting in Dubai, I think would’ve laughed, because its unbelievable and I’m feeling very grateful and very blessed. But I just want to mention that if anyone follows this account and is thinking, Do I, Don’t I, then enter a pageant! I wouldn’t have had the empowerment and self belief if to do this if it wasn’t for pageantry, so I’m feeling very blessed and thankful right now.”