Miss Galaxy, Kelsey Poulton, would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas!

by | Dec 14, 2019 | Latest News, Pageant Girl Blog

Merry Christmas from Miss Galaxy – Kelsey Poulton!

I’d like to take this time to wish all of my Galaxy family & friends a very Merry Christmas.

I cannot put into words how humbled I am by the year of 2019, I have achieved so many personal goals including completing my university degree and of course becoming Miss Galaxy. These goals were not a one man show and I have so many people around me who have been the best support system and without them I would not be where I am today.

This Christmas I am looking forward to really cherishing those people around me and spending quality time with the ones I love.

Christmas is a time for giving and so I want to remind you all to give as much love as possible to those who love and support you in all you do.

Finally, I hope you all have an amazing white Christmas and a prosperous New Year.

PS. Eat as much chocolate as you can. It is Christmas after all.


Lots of Love
Kelsey Poulton
Miss Galaxy 2020