Get to know your Miss Galaxy – UK, Olivia McPike!

by | Jul 21, 2020 | Latest News, Pageant Girl Blog

Get to know your Miss Galaxy – UK, Olivia McPike!

What made you want to enter the UK Galaxy Pageants?

The Miss Galaxy Pageant caught my eye as soon as I discovered Pageant Girl UK. I distinctly remember seeing pictures of Deone Robertson and Bella Normand – not even realising they were both former Scottish queens! I also remember looking at those pictures just wishing I would be able to walk on the Galaxy International stage like they did, so to be going to Galaxy International next year really is a dream come true for me! 


What did you do to prepare for the final?

I wanted to go into Miss Galaxy UK knowing that I worked as hard as I could on the lead up to the competition, and I wanted to make sure that I walked that stage as the best version of myself, that way if I was to have lost I would have done graciously with no regrets! I managed to make just over 30 appearances and raise over £1,000 for charity whilst working 3 jobs and working my butt off at the gym! I didn’t do the most appearances, I didn’t raise the most money, but I worked extremely hard and I think I made that clear to the judges in my interview! 


What is the best thing about being a Galaxy Girl? 

Honestly being a Galaxy Girl fills me with so much joy I can’t even put in into words and I know I haven’t even experienced a fraction of what is to come! I think right now it’s the instant sense of family, as soon as you win you gain so many sisters that are totally rooting for you, both past and present queens! 


Who is your role model and why?

I was actually asked this question in my interview and that answer is still the same! I met my best friend Amy Meisak though another Pageant Girl UK system. We work together, train together and play together. She’s one of the most hard working, genuine and caring people I know! I love her to bits and she is constantly pushing me to be the best version of myself inside and outside of pageantry!


What part of the international Galaxy Pageants in Chicago are you most excited about?

Apart from competing in the grand final – I’ve ALWAYSSS wanted to go to the white party! Team U.K. always look like they have the most insane time! 


Tell us your:

Favourite film/tv programmeThere are so many films to choose from but I’d probably have to say Santa Claus, I’m a sucker for anything to do with Christmas!  

Favourite food – My favourite food is pizza! My family had a mountain of them waiting for me in reception after the U.K. final! 

Favourite songThis one is even harder that my favourite film! I think if I had to choose I’d have to say “Always on my Mind” by Mike Mago… or anything from Micheal Buble’s Christmas Album! 

Favourite beauty/make-up productI couldn’t be without the Urban Decay All Nighter spray!

Dream holiday destinationI’d love to visit Hawaii one day! 

Do you have any exciting plans/appearances organised for your year as a Galaxy queen?

Everything has been put on hold for now due to COVID 19 – however things seem so be looking up and once everything has returned to some kind of normal I’ll be back out making as many appearances as possible! 


When you aren’t busy being a beauty queen, what do you do in your free time? Do you have any hobbies? 

Apart from being a Galaxy queen I’m constantly on the go! I have three jobs, I work as a Makeup Artist, I help the elderly people in my community visiting them weekly and taking them for shopping and helping them with cooking and cleaning. I also do an exciting radio internship with Clyde 1 as I’m hoping to develop a career in media! And when I’m not doing any of that you’ll probably find me in the gym! 


What advice would you give to girls who are thinking about entering the UK Galaxy Pageants? 

DO IT! Make a list of goals you want to achieve before the U.K. final and smash them! Get up on that stage as the best version of yourself and your dream might just come true just as mine did!